Tuesday, January 6, 2009

My First Post

Welcome to PHV Pet Haven!
This blog is part of my eCyber Mission project assignment.

Let me explain my eCyber project and then we'll start!

The eCyber Mission is part of my seventh grade science class. In it, we were grouped by our teacher to create some type of project that could benefit the families living here on Post. My group decided to work on the problem of unwanted pets left here in Germany by soliders and their families.

Being more specific, we decided to create an animal shelter for people to drop off their pets when they PCS (move) or if they decide the responsibilty is too much and don't know what else to do. It's a REAL problem here at PHV; people don't have any resources and often abandon animals who have done nothing but love them, and deserve to be placed instead of suddenly homeless.

Here's where I need your help:
I have a few questions-a short survey that I need you to answer. All you need to do is leave a comment with your answers and that's it! I can compile my data and take it from there!

I know that most of you reading this don't live on a military base; just imagine please, how hard it is on these animals who don't ask for anything except to be loved...

Thanks for your help!


1. Do you have more than one pet?

2. Do you use your vet?

3. Would you take your pet(s) with you on a major move?

4. If you couldn't take your animal(s) with you, would you consider using a pet haven to help find a temporary or permanent placement?

5. Do you think there is a pet population problem in your area?

Thanks again!


  1. Hi Dollie,
    It's LC!
    I do have a Pet, just one, Elliott.

    I use my vet, Elliott, needs a doctor just like me!

    I can't imagine not taking him with me, but I do understand when people have to move and have to make the decision to go without their pets, I would die without him.

    I would use a Pet Haven if I could not find someone I already knew that would take my little boy if I had leave him.

    and Yes, I think there is a pet population problem in my area.

    Miss you all!
    Auntie LC

  2. Hi Dollie and Esther - Its Jessica - no military post life now - but I certainly have lived on my share during my life.

    PHV PET HAVEN survey

    1. Do you have more than one pet? Yes, we have 3 dogs, and a gecko

    2. Do you use your vet? We use our vet for the dogs, not the gecko.

    3. Would you take your pet(s) with you on a major move? We would take all animals on any move that we made.

    4. If you couldn't take your animal(s) with you, would you consider using a pet haven to help find a temporary or permanent placement?
    I would absolutely consider the use of a haven, if for some reason we were unable to care for our animals or needed them to be placed somewhere else. One of our dogs is a rescue from a local haven/shelter that is a humane service foundation rescuing animals from bad situations or SPCAs.

    5. Do you think there is a pet population problem in your area?
    I recognize that there is a significant pet population problem in our area. Utilizing the services of vets to spay and neuter can help as well as frequenting places like shelters and havens when looking for a new addition to our family is a good idea.

    I hope your data collection goes well and that you give hugs for us to your family - we missed seeing you this year!

  3. 1.Do you have more than one pet? no, we only have a goldfish. (Sharkbait) I know. horrible and sad. the boys tell me this constantly.

    2. Do you use your vet? no but if we had a "real" pet we would for sure. :)

    3. Would you take your pet(s) with you on a major move? yes. we have moved from Ohio to AR w/ the fish.

    4. If you couldn't take your animal(s) with you, would you consider using a pet haven to help find a temporary or permanent placement? definitely.

    5. Do you think there is a pet population problem in your area? yes. there are a lot of stray cats.

    hope your project turns out super! miss you guys. xxxe

  4. 1. Yes - 5 chickens, 2 finches and a cat
    2. Very seldom - on a need basis (not maintenance or preventive)
    3. The cat yes but the birds would need a new home
    4. Of course! And I would gladly pay for food and care services until a new home was found.
    5. None I have noticed.

    Good luck, Dollie! Hugs to you and your mom.

  5. hi doodle......
    i am not on a military base, but here are my answers. :)

    1. no, just the maxwell.

    2. YES. frequently. max went through a phase of faking injuries when ev was born. :P and he gets his teeth cleaned and all that other good stuff. as he's going to live forever, he needs lots of preventative care. ;)

    3. YES. despite the fact that max HATES the car, which i'm assuming would also hold true for planes, trains, and any other mode of transit.

    4. i would of course do that, and pay for any services, food, and anything else he needed.

    5. i think there is definitely a problem with stray cats (and max would agree). people seem to think that cats are able to fend for themselves and just sort of let them roam free. which isn't fair to anyone-- or any cat!

    love to you, my dear harrisons!
    aunt ;) gabby

  6. What a great project. I hope I'm not too late.

    1. Do you have more than one pet?

    I have a dog and a cat.

    2. Do you use your vet?

    About every two months. It's always something. :-)

    3. Would you take your pet(s) with you on a major move?

    Yes! I couldn't bear to be without my dog and cat. We are moving to Spain in three months and I am already making arrangements to bring them.

    4. If you couldn't take your animal(s) with you, would you consider using a pet haven to help find a temporary or permanent placement?

    I have family and friends who would certainly take them, but if not I would love to have such a service.

    5. Do you think there is a pet population problem in your area?

    Here in Germany I think most pet owners are responsible. BUt I hear in Spain where I will move and most of southern Europe stray and uncared for pets are a real problem!
